About IVA and Byelaws

Till 1978 the state had only Kerala Veterinary Association which was working on lines of National Indian Veterinary Association. In 1979 the organisation was registered as Indian Veterinary Association - Kerala (Reg. No. 271/79) with affiliation to the National Body. The Bye - Law and constitution was adopted in the General Body held on 12.05.1979 and further amendments adopted in 2016.
( Download and read complete byelaws from downloads section )

Genesis and Brief History of IVA Kerala

Till 1969, there existed only one association for the Veterinarians of Kerala namely the Kerala Veterinary Association. Realizing the need to have a separate service organisation, in 1969 the Kerala Veterinary Surgeons Service Association was formed. From then onwards, the Kerala Veterinary Association has functioned as a professional body working on the lines of National IVA. But as years passed, the activities of Kerala Veterinary Association lost lustre. It was at this juncture that veterinarians from all parts of the state assembled in early 1978 and laid the foundation for the formation of a new professional association. An ad-hoc committee was formed with Dr. Sivasubramaniam as the coordinator to materialize the formation of the new professional body. 0n 09.12.1978, the veterinarians of the state assembled at the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy, and unanimously elected a central executive committee with Dr. K.J. Simon and Dr. Bharathan Namboodiripad as the first president and General Secretary, respectively.

The formal inauguration of the association was celebrated in a befitting manner on the 11th and 12th of May 1979, at Town Hall, Thrissur. The two-day programme included a scientific seminar and an Animal Husbandry seminar. Sri. P.K. Vasudevan Nair, Chief Minister, Sri. K.P. Prabhakaran, Health Minister, Sir. C. Achutha Menon, Ex Chief Minister, Sri. N. Kaleeswaran, Vice Chancellor of KAU, Dr. P.K. Nambiar, Director of Animal Husbandry, and many other distinguished guests graced the function. A souvenir was also released to commemorate the inaugural function.


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