The 10th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress will be held at Kairali Heritage, Kattampall, Kannur District, kerala on 10th and 11th of November 2018
The 10th-Kerala Veterinary Science Congress is scheduled to have four technical sessions based on relevant themes of veterinary profession in the current scenario and a special session for farmers. Each session will be lead by thematic presentations by eminent speakers and scholars in the relevant field.
Scientific/Research/Clinical papers are invited for oral/ poster presentations in each of the four technical sessions of the Congress.The research papers must be based on original work of authors, which has not been published / presented in the same form elsewhere in print or electronic media. The abstracts not exceeding 250 words, editable MS word format,Times New Roman, font size 12pt,1.5 line spacing are to be submitted online only either in the registration portal available at the Congress website or emailed to along with the scanned copy of filled registration form upon payment of registration fee mentioned below and details like delegate category (type), bank transaction number and date, amount remitted and the registration number allotted in online registration, along with a scanned copy of the certificate concerned. Acceptance of the abstracts will be intimated through e-mail only.
The authors of the abstracts accepted for oral/poster presentation will have to submit their full papers for including in the Congress Compendium. Number of papers permitted per person is limited to three. An author can make only one oral presentation in the science congress, provided the abstract is recommended by the review committee, even if he/she might be author in more than one paper.Registration is mandatory for participation/presentation of papers. Authors who have registered in the congress shall only be entitled for oral/poster presentation.
The Proceedings of the Science Congress and presentations by farmers will be uploaded in the website.Guidelines for preparation of abstracts and full papers are available at the website. The delegates registering for the Science Congress are entitled to get a conference kit and complementary food on the conference days. Postgraduate student delegates shall also submit a bonafide student certificate from the Head of the Department or Major Advisor.The last date for online registration and abstract submission is 15th August 2018.
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