Installation of Indian veterinary association Kannur district office bearers 2020 and inauguration of activities was held on 7th February 2020 at hotel Royal Omars at 12:00 p.m. The function was inaugurated by honorable Mayor of Kannur corporation, Smt. Suma Balakrishnan and was presided by Dr. V. Prashant, outgoing president IVA, 2019. Dr. C.P. Prasad took over the reins of the presidential post from Indian veterinary association North zone Vice President Dr. N. Mohanan. Dr. P.N. Shibu took over as the District Secretary, Dr. Asha K.P. as District Treasurer and Dr. Sujan M.P., Dr. Santhosh Kumar K.V., Dr. Asif M. Ashraf, Dr. Soya E. as state committee members. Dr. P.K. Padmaraj (IVA state committee member 2019) delivered welcome speech. Keynote address was given by Dr. N. Mohanan followed by the presidential address delivery by Dr. C.P. Prasad. Kannur District animal husbandry officer Dr. V.V. Muktha, Principal Training Officer-LMTC Kannur, Dr. Winny Joseph, Deputy Director, District animal husbandry Office, Kannur - Dr. M.P. Gireesh Babu, Dr. Muralidharan (President, KVSA Kannur) and Dr. Ajitha (President, KGVOA Kannur) felicitated the function. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. P.N. Shibu.
A retirement felicitation to Dr. Shreesha R. Khare was also organized along with the programme. After the official function, cultural programmes by member veterinarians were also arranged.
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