District News - Kasargode

IVA Kerala, 09 - Apr - 2020

Installation and inauguration of activities-2020

The Indian Veterinary Association has always existed as a closely-knit family in Kasaragod district serving to empower, strengthen and help the members. The commencement of activities began with installation ceremony of new office bearers. The oath of installation and general body meeting of the office bearers were conducted by Dr. N. Mohanan. He spoke inspiringly to help us look forward and stay motivated. A very interesting and beneficial HR training by National trainer, JCI Mr. Sreeni followed and all members actively participated in the stress management and team building exercises along with a relaxing guided meditation at the end. 
Lunch break was followed by an enthralling music programme by the members. There was a discussion on NADCP which would be shortly pursued and Dr. Sethulakshmi gave a presentation regarding the implementation of NADCP. 
The District Panchayth President Sri. A.G.C. Basheer inaugurated the IVA activities of 2020 and released the IVA diary.  Dr. Chandrababu E., State Executive member and Auditor delivered the welcome address and IVA president Dr. Soorya Narayana Bhat presented his presidential notes. The IVA action plan for 2020 was presented by IVA Secretary Dr. K. Sreevidya Nambiar. 
IVA Treasurer Dr. Chandini spoke on the importance of remitting the IVA subscriptions on time and IVA State executive member Dr. Asha P. thanked the invited guests, office bearers of IVA 2020 and the gathering of Veterinarians of Kasaragode.
A general body meeting of IVA was held on February 11, 2020; convened at a cozy highway restaurant named ‘Wide Range Village’ Padannekkad. The ambience was perfect for the get together of IVA members and the conduct of felicitations. The meeting commenced at 10.00 AM. The morning session was specially devoted to discussing and finding solutions to the problems and difficulties faced by young field veterinarians; chiefly the tackling of insubordination by staff members in Veterinary institutions which largely affects the working efficiency. The District Animal Husbandry Officer was convinced of the issues and he promised to take necessary actions immediately.
Senior Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Sunil G.M. engaged a class on the delegation powers and the enhanced financial powers of Veterinary surgeons; which was indeed very useful for the members. Dr. Roshan effectively briefed upon the online data entry for the updated Gosamrudhi Insurance scheme.
The afternoon session witnessed a peak of IVA activities. IVA State committee member Dr. Chandrababu E. welcomed the gathering and IVA President Dr Soorya Narayana Bhat chaired the function. The programme was officially inaugurated by District Animal Husbandry Officer, Dr. T.G. Unnikrishnan. The biodata of the felicitated Vets were presented by IVA State committee member Dr. Asha P., member Dr. Smitha Sebastian and IVA Treasurer Dr. Chandini. Felicitation was conferred upon Dr. Ayub A., Deputy Director of AH who had won the covetous state award. Felicitations were also offered to eminent Senior Veterinarians Dr. Sreesha R. Khare and Dr. Vijayakumar B. Sanghal who are retiring from service. Mementos, shawls and fruits were gifted to them.
A very warm sendoff was given to the hardworking enthusiastic vets Dr. Mohammed Rashad and Dr. Kiran Babu S. on their transfer to other districts. Their service in Kasaragod district was memorable. Mementos were gifted to them.
The program concluded with reply speeches by the felicitated vets and vote of thanks by IVA Secretary Dr. K. Sreevidya Nambiar.


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Installation and inauguration of activities-2020..


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