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Dog Skin Care Tips

Dogs are the most sensitive and affectionate pets. They are not only part of your family but the most loyal and loving companions that you will ever have. They stay by your side when you are happy or sad and love you unconditionally. If you go out for as little as ten minutes, they let you know how much they missed you when you come back. Your responsibility, as a dog owner, is to provide your dog with everything it requires, to live a healthy, happy life.
Dog care is not a simple procedure. One has to know a lot of things about dogs. Dogs are to be regulated in their food habits, personality, the toe nail lengths, and sensory organs.

Dog grooming and skin care
Dog’s skin is very sensitive. The dog’s skin is shining, healthy and free from dandruff if it is taken proper care of. Its skin depends on the diet it has. Its skin will be in good condition only if it has correct weight. An underweight or an overweight dog may have health problems. Knowledge, precaution and proper attention will surely keep the dogs healthy. Regular vaccinations ensure dogs from getting affected from any infection. The most common disease is allergy in dogs. To keep them away from allergy the surroundings should be clean. Dog’s skin is very sensitive. The dog’s skin is shining, healthy and free from dandruff if it is taken proper care of.
A daily bath to a dog will make its skin lose its natural oils. It is advisable to give a bath at intervals or when you find them to be very dirty. They should be patted dry with a soft towel and their coat should be brushed with a soft brush. This will help the skin look shining and healthy.

Grooming can be a special bonding time between you and your dog. You can also use this time to check your dog’s health. Look carefully for signs of fleas, ticks, skin irritations, lumps or painful spots. Check your dog's eyes, ears and teeth regularly. Consult your veterinarian if you find anything unusual or concerning.

Dog Grooming tips
  • Long-haired dogs generally need to be groomed daily while short-haired breeds may only need to be groomed weekly.
  • Selecting a time when your dog is calm and you have adequate time will help make grooming a pleasurable experience for both you and your dog.
  • Get your puppy accustomed to grooming early in life by handling your puppy often and touching its ears and paws. Be gentle and reassure your puppy constantly.
  • Some areas of your dog’s body may be more sensitive to combing and brushing than others. Be aware of these areas and be gentle.
Brushing and Combing
  • Regular brushing and combing will remove loose and matted hair and help keep the skin free of disease and parasite. Natural oils will be more evenly distributed to give your dog a nice shiny coat. Comb in the direction of hair growth to remove tangles.
  • Fine-toothed dog combs are used for soft, thin or silky coats. Medium-toothed combs are used for normal coats. Wide-toothed combs are best for heavy and thick coats.
  • Flea combs are very fine and are used for removing parasites and flea dirt from the coat. They may also be used to comb the hair around the eyes.
  • Rakes are ideal for removing dead undercoat hair in larger dogs with coarser, thicker coats.
  • Pin brushes, with rounded tips to prevent damage to the skin, are good for dogs with long, fine hair such as Silky Terriers.
  • Bristle brushes are good for dogs with very long coats, such as the Afghan, and help add shine to the short coat.
  • Grooming mitts are also good for short-haired breeds to add polish and shine once the loose hairs are removed.

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